About Us
Huger Consulting, LLC is a Christian based Limited Liability Company, specializing in Ministry to Ministry and Business to Business consulting services.
Ministry to Ministry (M2M) we endeavor to support Christian Churches and Ministries in their endeavors to produce disciples and disciple makers within their local expression. As an evangelistic and evangelical speaker, I provide practical instructions pertaining to the principles and precepts of discipleship. As a consultant, I provide a more detailed disciple making training and guidance experience that is geared to the individual client. The primary goal of Huger Consulting, LLC (and Commissioned Ministries, a division of Huger Consulting, LLC) is to produce disciples and disciple makers, translating Christianity into a way of life in the process.
Business to Business (B2B) we endeavor to support small, entrepreneurial businesses in their endeavors to meet the needs of their clientele and reach their professional goals. In my consulting services, I will endeavor to provide quality content out of my own experience, along with providing a platform for experts in startups and small entrepreneurial businesses to speak.
Anton Lee Huger
Anton Lee Huger is the founder of Huger Consulting, LLC; a Christian based Limited Liability Company, specializing in Ministry-to-Ministry (M2M) and Business-to-Business (B2B) consulting services; and, Commissioned Ministries (a division of Huger Consulting, LLC). He is an ordained Christian Minister, having served as an elder of several local churches since 1985. Anton is a public speaker, teacher, and ministry/business consultant.